1 Corinthians 15:33Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”
One of the things one pulls against is when your teenagers start to hang with bad company. Having two ultra social teenagers in my house means that sooner or later they will be tempted to hang out with the odd bad apple. Now as a parent the last thing you want to do is be critical of your kids friends. They do not take kindly to it, and their identity at this age is shaped very much by their friends, more so than their parents. So it is a fine line one has to walk between being critical and speaking badly of any friend while at the same time being able to point out that bad company corrupts good character.
But it is not only at the teenage stage where this is true. In fact in context this is speaking about people who live for today and eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die kind of attitude. Those kind of people are easy to be attracted to because they are vibrant, always upbeat etc. But we need to choose our company carefully. Who we choose to hang around with at all ages of life, will determine what becomes of our character.