Who likes to be searched?
Romans 8:27And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.
I am never comfortable being searched. Every time someone searches me – which would almost always be when I go to an airport, or occasionally a state building, I feel somewhat stressed. It’s not because I have a metal knee and I know I will set off the dumb machine every time I walk through it. It is a bit like when a traffic cop pulls you over when you know you have done nothing wrong. he asks for your licence and then starts searching / inspecting the car looking for keys in the ignition, licence disk up to date, tyres and all that stuff. You know you are in the clear but it is no fun being searched.
So when I read that god searches my heart, it is also with a sense of discomfort. However, as I ponder this thought, I realise that once again I am thinking like someone who does not know who he is in Christ. One thing I am realising is you have to repeatedly dwell on the person you are in Christ. Since we live in a body which is fallen and is fleshly as we saw from last chapter, we are always struggling with sin. But God sees Jesus and not us. He only sees the sacrifice, not the person. So what does he see when he searches my heart? Does he see the sin? Does he see me as perfection in Christ? I guess the one person who knows the answer to that is the Holy Spirit, who intercedes for us according to God’s will. He and I will have chat one day.